Sunday 21 November 2010

Day 144 shoe crisis after shoe crisis

So this week I have been having shoe based struggles, it has been rather distressing. My woes can be split into two broad topic areas.

Firstly, and possibly worst, my shoe collection consists of a wide range of extraordinarily high heels. These vertiginous classics have carried me seamlessly from day to night. Indeed, I have happily taken my four inch marvels from the boardroom, to the pub and out on the town until 4am on many an occasion without so much as batting an eyelid. It is only now that I realise an awful lot of my life used to be spent in a car. I didn't actually walk very far EVER.

Now my life is different, I walk to the train and from the station to work, I sometimes do that a couple of times a day. I walk loads and I drive very little. I rarely deliver myself neatly to the clients' office with no need to exercise and often I need to break from walking to running. It has quickly become apparent that my shoe collection is entirely unsuitable for my new lifestyle. I realise I have a collection almost entirely made up of 'taxi shoes' and am mortified that I am (until July) without means of rectifying this problem. I have virtually no shoes that I can wear for work and I am unsure how to proceed (sob). All my beautiful lovely, beloved teetering lovelies are gathering godforsaken dust in the bottom of my wardrobe and my poor shoe boots are doing so many miles they might have an asthma attack. Its all very sub optimal as I am sure you will agree and serves only to highlight the culture shock I am currently experiencing. Yikes

The second problem is, I suppose related to the first, I have a few pairs of shoes (shoe boots included) which are suffering from exhaustion. The longest suffering are my flat black boots, as detailed on my last post they are in need of a little bit of sole based TLC. However, because I am silly and because I am suffering from having a shoe wardrobe which has effectively been halved, I decided to wear them on wednesday despite their fragile state. Unfortunately, yet unsurprisingly, the sole fell off on the right boot.

This alone would have been a tragedy worthy of tears, but to add insult to serious and grievous injury, it was peeing it down and I had to spend all day with squelchy feet. This was definitely NOT cricket. So now I need to visit the delightful man at the menders again. I hope sincerely that he is the bearer of great news as I am terrified he will not be able to mend them. Whilst the rules dictate that in fact I can replace shoes due to my need to remain professional and of course to leave the house without getting wet tootsies, I really don't want to have to buy lots of new shoes.

Hmm this whole London thing is having a larger impact than I had at first expected. Harumph. This week I am planning to buy myself an interim camera which should make this more interesting again.

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